JD_Blogs >_

Breaking Bash - Using Bash in Jupyter Notebooks

Bashing something something pun Jupyter notebooks have a lot of capabilities and applications. One of the less document uses is the ability to use Bash in-line. While this power is easy enough to ...


I suck with money. No, Really. When I first got out of college, I managed to land a job paying me $25/hr with $0/yr in bills. I was working full time and even a little bit over. After taxes, ...

Walrus Operator

Using an Arctic Tank with a Data Snake What IS a Walrus? USFWS via PIXNIO, licensed under Creative Commons, CC0 Data science marine biologists rejoice! In-line assignment is possible as of Pytho...

Why Data Science?

$ whoami_ In 2015 I started my professional career with a mostly-undefined IT position. The department I was working for knew they wanted an intern but really couldn’t figure out what exactly for...